Time Savings and Consistent Data
For applicants and companies - applicants can submit their applications 10 times faster, and companies benefit from more consistent data without additional post-processing.
For applicants and companies - applicants can submit their applications 10 times faster, and companies benefit from more consistent data without additional post-processing.
Our web app is designed so that all users, whether they are applicants or company users, can quickly navigate through our intuitive and process-optimized design and complete tasks faster.
No annoying re-filling of forms after uploading the resume, which not only reduces the applicant dropout rate, but also leaves generally happier applicants and a positive impact on your company's image.
Benefits for Applicants
To minimize application dropouts on the part of your applicants, it is essential to provide your candidates with a simple and reliable platform during the application process.
Benefits for Companies
No matter how differently resumes are formatted and structured, our state-of-the-art AI recognizes all necessary data with impressive accuracy and puts all data into a structured, consistent format.
Make use of just our REST API interface and get the extracted resume data of your applicants back within shortest time. You can continue to use your own UI and ATS and simply embed our data extraction as a step within your applicant process
ATS + Job Board + Applicant Area
Utilize our modern and intuitive Web UI and configure it to meet the specific needs of your company. Design the applicant interface in alignment with your corporate identity, including your company's colors or fonts, and add custom text, graphics, and form fields
Manage jobs, candidates, processes and many more. Seamlessly integrated all other services
Configure individually, guide users quickly and easily through the application process
Applicants can easily view their applications and current status. Saves previous entries and therefore also applicants time and frustration
An internal and external board to list all your currently open positions
Pricing Plan
per CV
Chooseper Month